27 November, 2011

I'm Feeling Talkative Right Now

It's 10 pm already. I'm still holding my pencil while biting its tip sometimes. My eyes are down to the paper full of circle equations and charts and lot of numbers. Yet my brain can't understand any single word written there..

It's been a pretty busy week. I skip 3 days of school in the past 2 weeks for teacher's day preparation and other stuff. And in class, I mostly lost focus. I did some crafts like pop-up papers or drawing stupid things instead of studying. I guess I lost my learning enthusiasm. *sigh* Even today. Whereas the exam week'll be starting tomorrow. Huh.

Enough of school bullshits.

So, btw my birthday is about 12 days ahead. My parents were asking me about what present I want this year. It's such a tradition in my family that the birthday person could ask for anything s/he wants for her/his birthday. For the first time in my life, I haven't decided what my birthday present will be.

Yeah, I'm that type of kids who really excited about their birthday. Who loves presents and suprises and birthday celebrations and also the attentions people give that day. I'm not an attention seeker, but it's great having people wishing you all the best and being very nice to you, right? And it only happen once in a year, that's why I'm so excited about it.

About my birthday gift, I took some times to think about it, and I ended at some options.
1.) Polaroid camera
2.) SLR fisheye/wide angle lens
3.) Another lomography camera
4.) Lots of money to buy clothes
5.) Anything fun to do on the holiday. Maybe a trip to Karimun Jawa? Or somewhere else?

I don't know, 3 of my 5 wishes are related to photography hehe. Well, I'm so interested about photography and crafts lately. Even I already planned if I stayed at home on holiday I'll spend a lot of money to buy crafts tools and make an exploding box album or something like dried flowers for my room decoration. I watched many videos about them on youtube and it showed a lot of fun & creative things to make.

Well, I guess I'm talking too much here hehe. It's 11 pm already. Time flies so fast, doesn't it? Toodles!

08 November, 2011

Buang-buang Waktu~

Udah jam 11an tapi gatau kenapa lagi mood banget buat posting di blog. Kayaknya belakangan ini gue makin nggak tau waktu deh. Bahkan lusa ada ulangan biologi & matematika, tapi hari ini nggak nyicil apa-apa. Besok positif sks (sistem kebut semalam) nih -_- Bukannya nggak mau belajar sih, tapi kondisinya nggak mendukung, gimana dong. Haha alesan banget.

Tapi emang bener! Tadi abis pulang dari bimbel malah ke mall nyari sepatu buat sekolah gara-gara peraturan baru, yang cewek nggak boleh pake flat shoes yang entah kenapa diterjemahin jadi sepatu cantik.. Padahal flat shoes gue udah super duper gembel dan nggak pantes dibilang sepatu 'cantik'. Mungkin emang udah waktunya juga sih ganti sepatu -_- Eh kenapa jadi ngomongin sepatu..

Balik lagi ke minggu kelam buat otak gue. Keliatannya minggu ini tuh bakalan capek banget. Semua kelas XI ulangan biologi, kimia sama matematika dalam seminggu. Sampe ada temen gue yang bilang : marathon tf mipa. Mungkin kedengerannya biasa aja, tapi dengan jadwal matematika dan biologi yang dijadiin sehari dan materinya yg belibet, semuanya jadi terdengar suram. Jadi, nggak salah juga kan hari ini nyantai dulu, biar besok otaknya masih seger & siap diforsir. Alesan lagi.

Yaudah, ini gue baru selesai mandi dan mau tidur, daripada waktu yang kebuang makin banyak, postnya segini aja. Dah.